Obstetrics & Gynecology
Obstetrics & Gynecology
The Department of Obstertrics & Gynecology in SPT Hospital giving stellar service in Obstertrics and Gynecology care to woman not only in Coimbatore but also in many surrounding districts. This department has developed a very good name in the field for routine obstertric care, high risk obstertric care and obstertric critical care. Advanced care in Neonatology also helps the patients to achieve a happy outcome even after extreme conditions in pregnancy.
Obstetricians are also trained to handle pregnancy complications, such as:
Our Experts specializes in caring for the reproductive health of a woman from the time she gets her first period all the way to post-menopause.
A gynecologist may diagnose and treat issues, such as:

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    Please feel welcome to contact our friendly reception staff with any general or medical enquiry. Our doctors will receive or return any urgent calls.