We specialize in the treatment of the cardiovascular system—which includes the heart and blood vessels. Cardiologists also educate habits that promote heart health.
Our specialties are cardiology, cardiothoracic surgery, vascular surgery, and many others. We focus our treatment around the patient with customized plans to fit your needs.
our cardiovascular services include heart care, heart surgery, and treatment for all types of heart disease.
We are qualified to treat heart attacks, heart failure, heart valve disease, arrhythmia, and high blood pressure.
Consistent in Patient Safety & Quality Measures
The Department of Cardiology at SPT Hospital has experience dealing with every eventuality and complication resulting from Coronary Interventions, Peripheral, Renal & Carotid Angioplasty, and Balloon Mitral Valvotomy.
We are a tertiary care center equipped with cutting edge technology to offer cardiac care program to our patients. We also offer an alternative treatment for end-stage heart failure patients with procedures like Pacemaker, ACD, CRT, Heart Hole surgeries (ASD, VSD, PDA), Paediatric Cardiac Surgery, Angioplasty/Angiography.
Diagnostic services we offer:
The electrical signals that control the rhythm of your heartbeat are recorded by an ECG/EKG. ECGs are used to diagnose a variety of heart problems, ranging from arrhythmia to coronary heart disease.
The Holter Monitor is designed to evaluate and detect any arrhythmia (palpitations) of the heart by recording the rhythm of your heart for 24 hours or more. You are given a small portable recorder, which is connected to you via several chest electrodes. Your ECG will be recorded for 24 hours, after which you will be asked to return the next day to have the recorder removed. In addition, you will be asked to keep a diary of your activities and cardiac symptoms for correlation with the recording. After the recorder is removed, our computer will analyse it, and the tracing will be evaluated by the doctor.
A stress test, also known as an exercise stress test, demonstrates how your heart functions during physical activity. An exercise stress test can reveal problems with blood flow within your heart because exercise causes your heart to pump harder and faster. The patient is asked to run on a treadmill while patches of EKG/ECG are placed on their body to measure the activity of their heart. People who are unable to exercise are given pills that raise their heart rate.
This test, also known as echocardiography or diagnostic cardiac ultrasound, is used to examine the heart’s function and structure. The test employs sound waves to produce a moving image of the heart on the monitor. Doctors may also use echocardiography in conjunction with Doppler to identify areas of the heart with poor blood supply. This is also used to determine which heart muscles are not normally contracting.
This test is used to obtain 3D images of the heart. This imaging test employs magnets, radio waves, and a computer to generate images that aid doctors in determining a heart problem.
Computed Tomography Imaging (CT) is a non-invasive diagnostic method of body imaging that employs x-rays to produce detailed images of structures within the body. A cardiac CT scan is used to collect images of the heart and chest in order to diagnose any problems.
The carotid ultrasound determines the amount of any blockage in the carotid arteries. The carotid arteries, which are located in the neck, transport oxygen-rich blood to the brain. Severe blockages in these arteries can result in a TIA (mini-stroke) or a CVA (large stroke).
The aorta is a large vessel in the middle of the body that distributes blood from the heart to all parts of the body. To transport blood all the way to the fingers and toes, the pressure in the aorta must be extremely high. Aneurysms and blockages in the lower portion of the aorta, below the diaphragm, can be detected using abdominal aorta ultrasound. This test is typically performed first thing in the morning on an empty stomach (low residual diet).
A renal artery ultrasound determines the extent of blockage (if any) in the renal arteries and kidneys. The renal arteries carry blood to the kidneys. The renal artery may narrow, resulting in kidney failure or high blood pressure. The speed of blood in the renal artery is measured to determine the degree of artery narrowing.
An arterial ultrasound determines the extent of any blockages in the arteries. The arteries of the arms and legs are imaged with and without colouring the blood flow to reveal areas of narrowing or complete blockage. The blood’s speed is also measured in order to determine the location and degree of narrowing.
A venous ultrasound visualizes the flow of blood through your veins. The veins are imaged with and without the colouring of blood flow to detect any blood clots (thrombus). The direction of blood flow is also evaluated to determine if there is any venous insufficiency or reflux.
A cholesterol test, also known as a lipid panel or lipid profile, determines the amount of fat in your blood. The measurements can indicate your risk of having a heart attack or another type of heart disease. Typically, the test includes measurements of total cholesterol, LDL( Low- Density Lipoprotien), HDL( High-Density Lipoprotein), triglycerides, and Non-HDL choleterol.
Once the diagnosis is done, the doctors suggest the best suitable treatment for the patients. Here are some of the common treatment options that are followed for cardiovascular diseases:
- Lifestyle Changes - Doctors advise patients to follow a healthy lifestyle that includes eating a low-fat diet, performing regular exercise, quitting smoking and alcohol.
- Medications - In cases where lifestyle changes are not enough to treat heart disease, the doctors prescribe medications. The prescription depends on the type of heart disease the patient has been diagnosed with.
- Pacemakers or ICD - Mostly used for patients suffering from arrhythmia, a cardiac pacemaker or an Iimplantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) are devices that are implanted in the chest or abdomen to control irregular heartbeats. The devices are placed through minor surgery.
- Pacemakers or ICD - Mostly used for patients suffering from arrhythmia, a cardiac pacemaker or an Iimplantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) are devices that are implanted in the chest or abdomen to control irregular heartbeats. The devices are placed through minor surgery.
- Surgery - Surgeries are also performed in severe cases when medications cannot treat the patient. Some of the common heart surgeries that are performed include coronary artery bypass grafting, Heart Valve Repair or Replacement and percutaneous coronary intervention and heart transplant.
We believe the best cardiac care can only be achieved by the best cardiologists in their fields, working together, for you and your heart.